gtag('config', 'G-SG8M9CWC04'); It treats 11 diseases.. Learn about the benefits of a teaspoon of Nigella sativa oil on an empty stomach
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It treats 11 diseases.. Learn about the benefits of a teaspoon of Nigella sativa oil on an empty stomach


- To relieve nervous tension: A teaspoon of black seed oil with a cup of coffee calms the nerves completely and relieves tension.

For cough and asthma: Rub black seed oil on the chest and back and drink a teaspoon three times a day, and two tablespoons of black seed oil in hot water and inhale its vapor.

To remove lethargy and laziness: A teaspoon of black seed oil with orange juice in the morning for ten days

- To activate memory and speed up perception: A teaspoon of black seed oil with boiled mint for ten days.

For diabetes: A cup of black seed, a cup of garden cress, half a cup of fine pomegranate peel, half a cup at a time, grind the mixture until it becomes powder, and the patient takes half a spoon daily for about a month and drinks a teaspoon of black seed oil on an empty stomach.

For kidney and bladder stones: A quarter kilo of black seed, a quarter kilo of pure honey, grind the black seed well, then knead with honey and mix two tablespoons of this mixture in half a cup of hot water and drink this mixture on an empty stomach daily with a teaspoon of black seed oil.

 - For the purity, clarity and beauty of the face: Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil with a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it to the face and leave it for an hour, then wash it with soap and water and you will see the difference clearly. (Recommended for dry skin, not oily skin)

For those who suffer from vomiting and nausea: A teaspoon of ground cloves, then a tablespoon of black seed oil with boiled mint 3 times a day.

- To remove warts: Wipe the warts well with purslane, then smear them with black seed oil, and continue doing so for fifteen days, drinking a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Back pain and rheumatism of all kinds: Heat a small amount of black seed oil, then rub the rheumatism area very vigorously, as if you are rubbing the bone and not the skin, and drink a teaspoon of black seed oil three times a day.

- To remove headaches: Put black seed oil on the forehead and sides of the face next to the ears, and the headache will disappear completely when you drink a teaspoon of black seed oil on an empty stomach for a period of time.

Price: $60 

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Black seed oil bottle 500ml

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