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Sputum treatment for children with herbs

Sputum The mucus or phlegm is present in the throat as it is in the nose. If it is stuck in the nasal passages, it can be removed easily, but it is difficult to get rid of it if it is in the throat. The child may end up with irritation and sometimes suffocation, The case of severe cough. One of the main causes of mucus leakage is the presence of different types of infections that may include cold and flu, and if it has a significant impact on the baby's breath you should consult your doctor immediately for appropriate treatment. Causes of child sputum In the first months of life, the child can breathe well through his nose. As a result, he may suffer from time of congestion. This is not considered harmful unless he causes breathing problems, and may lead to problems and difficulties in sleeping due to difficulty breathing natural. Children - just like adults - have cells lined up in nasal passages, but they can not tolerate large amounts of mucus coming out of them as adults, and some of this mucus can be eliminated during sneezing, but what remains of it as sore throat must be removed; . Infection and sore throat are common problems in children. Sputum remains in the throat for several weeks, even after infection. Children may also get sputum because of seasonal allergies. The treatment of sputum for children with herbs The treatment varies according to the age of the child, what suits the child is two years old, for example not suitable for the child in the first months, so attention to this matter. For newborn babies who are still in their first months, the mother can provide anise or chamomr or any other herbal herb suitable for children by using breastfeeding; it helps to calm and eliminate phlegm in a short time, due to its effective properties in calming the throat and removing sputum. Children older than 2 years old, it is good to bring them a warm herbal drink containing anise or any other herb with a little natural honey, and with slices of lemon to calm his throat and help him to expel phlegm. You should avoid preparing any drink containing milk for this age group because it increases the amount of phlegm in the throat. There are many other safe treatments that parents can use to treat their children without resorting to medication. It is best to treat the health problem naturally before resorting to manufactured materials. Sputum: The best way to remove phlegm from the body Boil 10 g of coriander leaves with 3 g of peppermint bark (a beautiful flower and lemon) for 7 minutes. Add 3 gsp. For senior 100 ml daily 3 times for children 30-50 ml by volume twice a day

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