gtag('config', 'G-SG8M9CWC04'); Dr. David Kahana MD Digestive system diseases
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Dr. David Kahana MD Digestive system diseases


Do you feel bloated? Perhaps your clothes fit tighter than you’d like, or maybe you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol or diabetes? Day in and day out, you feel foggy, and so tired that you can’t focus on the things that are most important to you.… If this sounds familiar, you’ll want to pay attention to what we have to say next.

Because these could be signs that something serious is happening inside your body… an internal battle that may be taking YEARS off of your life.

And the worst part? Most people have NO IDEA what is happening because the symptoms in most cases are nearly invisible.

We’re talking about FATTY LIVER and it’s currently impacting nearly 100 million people in the United States today.

Fatty liver happens when there’s an excess of toxins and fat cells blocking your liver… which can lead to inflammation and scarring. In other words, this means your liver STOPS functioning how it’s supposed to.

And even if you do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it can STILL happen to you. Fatty liver DOES NOT discriminate…

It can rob years of your life when you could’ve been spending time with your family and playing with your grandkids. Image, being forced to just stay inside, resting on the couch, while the rest of your family enjoys those precious moments with each other.

And what's even more frightening is that there are things in your home, RIGHT NOW, that may be causing serious damage to your liver.

Things you use almost every day and believed were safe.

In fact, you may have even been told that some of these things were healthy… but unfortunately, they’re actually causing inflammation, polluting your liver with toxins, and worse… it could become fatal…

In just a few minutes I’ll reveal what these SHOCKING household items are…

But it’s not all doom and gloom! In fact, there is something you can do to help reverse symptoms of fatty liver and prevent future damage. That’s right, there’s a fast way to heal your liver without overextending yourself at the gym, counting every little ounce of sugar you eat, or giving up that glass of wine you enjoy on occasion. In fact, this quick way to help heal your liver will only take about 30 seconds of your day…

And armed with this easy liver-boosting tool, you can feel energized, less bloated, and live your healthiest, best life.

I’ll explain what this simple solution is in just a little bit… but before I do, I wanted to tell you a little about myself and why I’m so committed to fighting the battle against liver disease. My name is Dr. David Kahana. I’m board-certified in Gastroenterology, as well as Medical Nutrition through the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists.

There are only about 350 doctors in the United States as we speak who are also board-certified in medical nutrition. And out of those 350, only about 20 are gastroenterologist. It’s a highly specialized discipline that allows me to take a 360 degree approach to helping my patients achieve their best health.

And in addition to my private practice here in Los Angeles, where I’ve seen thousands of patients ranging from all ages, I’m also the director of Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program for Los Angeles Country and the Medical Director at The Center for Digestive Health & Nutritional Excellence here in Southern California.

And even though each patient is unique in their medical history, I started to see a pattern… many of my patients would get better for a bit, but after a few months, they’d be back in my office with the SAME medical issue.

It became an increasingly frustrating and vicious cycle.

As a doctor, I wanted my patients to live their best, healthiest lives, but all the solutions and treatments that were available felt temporary.

You see, most prescription medications are designed to treat symptoms rather than the core problem at hand.

And to make matters worse, these prescriptions cause side effects, requiring more prescriptions to combat discomfort. Does this endless cycle sound familiar?

I’m about to reveal a groundbreaking alternative to big pharma that helps reverse the signs of liver damage by getting to the root of the actual problem.

But first, did you know that the pharmaceutical industry spends millions of dollars lobbying politicians to pass laws that keep big pharma in business and making lots of money?

And without an adequate prescription to treat patients suffering from Fatty Liver, I turned to existing holistic solutions, only to find they lacked the potency and scientific proof to back up their claims. As a doctor who is committed to seeing his patient’s thrive, I couldn’t recommend anything to a patient that I wasn’t 100% confident in.

With NO other proven method on the market I vowed to find a clinically effective solution that’s accessible to everyone who needs it.

No more yielding to big pharma, no more weak natural remedies — just real science with real results.

Few people realize their liver is one of the most important organs in their entire body. Your liver helps run the metabolic process, ensuring your digestive system operates smoothly. It also eliminates toxins from your body, helps to maintain a healthy weight, and is crucial for proper blood circulation.

That’s a lot of responsibility for an organ that weighs about 3 pounds and measures 6-inches on average.

But let’s break down the liver’s function a little more…

Imagine your liver is a factory running 24/7. A well oiled machine inside your body, divided into 3 parts: a processing plant, a distribution center, and a storehouse.

Your liver processes blood from your body and then breaks down the nutrients from your food. It also processes the toxins entering your body and safely gets rid of them, so they won’t harm you.

Next, the liver distributes vital nutrients back to the rest of your body. These nutrients then go on to make blood plasma proteins and other substances including vitamin D and other key elements that aid in digestion.

Then your liver holds on to the extra nutrients you don’t need to use right away and stores them for future use.

But unlike most factories that are staffed with workers who get scheduled time off, your liver runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without EVER taking a break.

Sadly, most of us abuse our livers without even knowing it. Causing sickness and disease that is becoming a silent killer of epic proportions.

Typically, your liver does a good job at filtering out the bad stuff, but what happens when it’s overloaded with fatty cells and toxins?

Now, Im very close to unveiling a very simple way to help strengthen your liver function and rid your body of killer toxins.

Did you know that when your liver is backed up with toxins and fatty cells, it overwhelms the liver’s functions and essentially clogs the liver?

That means important nutrients are not being delivered to other vital organs, your blood is not circulating properly, and your body is unable to naturally detoxify. This causes sickness, discomfort, or even worse...

And there are often very little signs that point to a damaged liver… That’s why so many of us can go YEARS without even knowing that our liver is in danger.

By the time patients are diagnosed, the disease can spread so far that it’s too late for doctors to even treat- Leaving transplant as the only option for them to live. With long wait lists to receive an organ, tens of thousands of people in America alone are fighting to survive this living nightmare. That’s why it's important to be aware of the signs of liver disease.

The few noticeable signs, like fatigue and abdominal cramping, can go unnoticed or even be attributed to literally dozens of other possible conditions. In the meantime, your liver’s health is just getting worse and worse…

The good news is there’s a natural way to improve liver function, but before I reveal this amazing new discovery, I MUST warn you about three SHOCKING things that may be destroying your liver.

If you were to go through your medicine cabinet right now and try to pick out the most common household item that’s hurting your health and causing nearly irreversible damage to your liver, could you? Well, if you reached for a bottle of ibuprofen or another over-the-counter pain killer, you’d be right.

You see, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs including over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen, are one of the most common liver-harming culprits.

One recent study from the University of Rosario School of Medicine in Argentina found that “NSAIDs exhibit a broad spectrum of liver damage ranging from asymptomatic, transient, hyper-transaminasemia to fulminant hepatic failure.”

Yet, they’re so common that they’re in nearly everyone’s home… you may have even taken some today.

But it’s not your fault, we’ve grown so used to taking these pills regularly that we almost never stop to think about the consequences. In fact, even some of the most well-respected doctors will take NSAIDs as regularly as once a week.

However, just because they are common, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Think back to the 1950s, when no one really knew that smoking cigarettes was bad for you. In fact, from the 1920s all the way up to the 1950s, even DOCTORS recommended smoking “healthy” cigarettes.

Now, of course, we know much better… and hopefully the same will be true with NSAIDs.

Here’s why they’re so harmful to your health AND liver… since everything you consume gets filtered through the liver, unnatural substances, such as ibuprofen, slowly fill your liver with harmful toxins. So the more ibuprofen or over-the-counter painkillers you take, the more these harmful toxins get backed up in your liver.

The second thing that could be destroying your liver might be the most surprising one yet… vitamin A.

So be sure to check the labels of your multivitamins because they may be doing more harm than good…

You see, when you take too much vitamin A, it all gets stored in your liver, which can lead to a condition called Hypervitaminosis A, or vitamin A toxicity. This can severely damage your liver, especially if you already struggle with things like high cholesterol or diabetes.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, found that most Americans already consume too much vitamin A which are in multivitamins and fortified foods. In fact, this overconsumption of vitamin A is so pervasive that just taking one multivitamin a day could provide you with more vitamin A than you actually need.

In addition to causing liver damage, symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include distorted vision, bone pain, and changes to your skin.

This can happen after taking a large amount of vitamin A in a short period of time — so always check your supplement labels to make sure you’re not doubling up on vitamin A!

And finally, the third thing that could be harming your liver is processed meat.

Recently, there’s been a lot of mixed messages about processed meat and red meat. Many studies have found that too much processed or red meat is bad for your health, while other fitness and quote-on-quote health gurus, swear by the motto “more protein — even if it’s a little fatty — and fewer carbs.”

Well, we’re here to get the record straight. In moderation, a nice steak that’s organic and grass-fed once in a while is perfectly fine, but if you’re buying meat that’s not organic or eating it in large quantities, you may be doing some serious damage to your body and liver.

Here’s why…

A recent study published in the Journal of Hepatology, a leading source for medical research linked to the liver, found that people who ate processed and red meat regularly were 47% more likely to have liver disease and 55% more likely to develop resistance. Think about those numbers for just a moment… just by eating red or processed meat on a regular basis, you’re doubling your chance of developing liver disease.

But as I promised earlier, it’s not all bad news! In fact, there are effective ways to help your liver and feel healthier and more energetic that go far beyond adjusting your diet and hitting the gym …

I’m going to show you how you can fight back against harmful toxins and fatty cells polluting your liver!

The truly incredibly solution that I’m about to reveal CAN heal your liver and reverse the damage, unlike other products on the market today.

For years, so called medical guru’s promoted the wrong solutions! And unfortunately, millions of people fell for it and bought into these fake solutions, which actually caused more harm than good.

One of the biggest culprits are detox juice cleanses. As a medical professional, I cannot caution you against these cleanses strong enough.

They do NOTHING to cleanse your liver of toxins and you’re just consuming more sugar without the benefit of all the other nutrients found in fruits. Plus, in the long run, they could slow down your metabolism and make you gain weight. Juice cleanses ARE NOT the quick healthy fix you were hoping for.

And even if you’ve done your best to eat right and exercise, just focusing on those two lifestyle changes alone may not be enough to reverse the damage.

That’s why millions of people today are turning to supplements, which can help if you’re taking the right one…

But the market is FULL of supplements that all promise to help support your liver health, yet rarely deliver. That’s because many of them are low on potency and are filled with ineffective ingredients.

There’s only a handful of ingredients proven by clinical studies to help support liver function. And even though some brands use these ingredients, they often formulate their supplements with poor quality, and generic ingredients that are so watered down they fail to deliver optimal results.

I knew how prevalent and life-threatening liver disease is. Literally, hundreds of millions of people are struggling with liver disease today. Yet there was nothing available on the market that actually helped to heal the liver and restore its function… until now…

After YEARS of working on the formulation, diving deep into hundreds of studies from the top medical institutions, and searching for the world’s best, most powerful ingredients, I decided to team up with the brilliant medical specialists at 1MD to create LiverMD.

It’s a truly groundbreaking formula that’s the first of its kind.. It’s made with two powerful, clinically proven ingredients at their clinically recommended dosages, plus an abundance of other vital nutrients to help heal and detoxify your liver.

The first clinically researched ingredient we used is called EVNolMax. This powerful ingredient is a tocotrienol, or as I like to call it, supercharged vitamin E. It’s a star ingredient that’s not found in ANY OTHER liver support supplement on the market today.

EVNOLMax been proven to prevent abnormal cell division in the liver and cleanse your liver of harmful fatty cell buildup and toxins. That means better blood circulation, improved digestion, and an overall invigorated sense of well-being.

Plus, in clinical studies, this ingredient is shown to help strengthen and quickly heal bone fractures, improve brain function, and reduce bad cholesterol. In other words, it’s a superstar ingredient that’s an absolute must-have in your arsenal against liver disease.

The next ingredient that’s critical to reversing damage to your liver is Siliphos® Milk Thistle Extract. This ingredient is a patented botanical derived from one of the main bioactive ingredients in milk thistle, a plant that has been used for centuries to address liver health.

This patented version of milk thistle was developed using Phytosome® technology to improve absorption. In fact, this new patented ingredient is clinically proven to be up to 10 times more bioavailable than the generic milk thistle extract used in other supplements and is much more effective.

In other words, this ingredient has the power to survive the journey through your digestive tract and deliver immediate results, so your liver can begin the healing process as quickly as possible.

But we didn’t stop there when formulating LiverMD. We wanted to create the most powerful supplement on the market that can fight liver disease and help increase longevity, so we loaded it with additional ingredients that are also clinically proven to work. Here are just a few…

Alpha Lipoic Acid — or ALA — to improve your metabolism… You see, ALA is an antioxidant your body naturally produces that plays a major role in weight loss, impaired blood sugar levels, and abnormal metabolism functions. So adding ALA to our powerful formula really helps to ramp up your liver function and maintain a healthy weight.

Then we added 15 mg of ZINC Glycinate to prevent future damage to your liver — this is the highest dose of Zinc available in any liver supplement currently on the market. Here’s why Zinc matters. Clinical studies have shown that when taken at the proper dose, zinc can actually strengthen your intestine's defensive barrier so damaging substances don’t reach your liver. While at the same time, decreasing liver damage and scarring. That means your liver is building up its defence against toxins and fatty cells.

We also added SELENIUM to ramp your liver function all the way up! This impressive antioxidant can increase immunity, defends against free radicals, and plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and liver function. So your liver can run smoothly and you feel energized no matter what.

Now, you don’t have to take our word for LiverMD’s effectiveness… we recently released this cutting edge product to the public just a few months ago and the feedback from people has been overwhelming. We couldn’t believe how many people wrote to us in such a short period of time to tell us their experiences…

Because we use only the best ingredients from FDA-approved labs, unfortunately supplies are limited. It takes a long time to make new batches that combine the high-quality ingredients that make LiverMD.

Each one of our bottles goes through a rigorous testing process to check for potency and effectiveness. Yes, this slows down the manufacturing process, but we refuse to compromise our standards. Especially, after seeing so many other brands and supplements out there falsely claiming to be a miracle liver cure, while in reality, are just full of watered down ingredients in weak dosages that contain harmful, toxic fillers.

1MD only collaborates with medical specialists at the top of our respective fields. Both myself and 1MD value the health and well-being of people over making a quick profit by using cheap manufacturing tricks.

We do all of this because we believe in providing you with information you need to make a positive impact on your health. At 1MD, your health is our mission, so to help you save money and cut out the middle man, 1MD currently offers LiverMD exclusively online through our website's secure order page.

But demand has gone up. So much so that we will begin offering LiverMD at doctor's clinics soon, where they will charge upwards of $69.95 for a 30-day supply. They're available on the website for $43. But for a limited time, as a special bonus for watching this video and taking your first step toward more healthy living, those of you watching right now will get an additional 23% off at only $33 each when you buy three bottles today through this exclusive, video-only offer. And, since 86% of people who take LiverMD want to continue taking it after experiencing its often life-changing benefits, we're offering today’s viewers an additional six-bottle discount package for as little as $29.33 per bottle. That’s a total 32% savings off our regular website price, but you must order now to take advantage of this exclusive, video-only offer.

That way you can choose to enjoy all the benefits of the incredible liver-boosting benefits for longer or share the health with your friends and family. Think about it — what is your health worth to you? That's only about a dollar a day to get one of the most potent and effective liver support supplement on the market. But these limited, first-time customer package discounts are only available to today’s viewers while supplies last, so be sure to click on the link right now to buy.

How much money have you spent on sweets, soda, or any of a number of other things, destroying your liver? How about the latest diet books or other supplements? You can barely buy anything for a dollar these days, but you can buy the single best investment in your health right now. It's a no-brainer.

And to make the deal even better, 1MD will make an iron-clad guarantee to you. Try the product for 90 days. Simply take two capsules every day and listen to what I've told you during this video. If, in those 90 days, you find that you haven't made a significant advancement in your liver health, or that the bloating and fatigue, that you've suffered from are not greatly reduced, or if you aren't satisfied with what you've received for any reason, simply contact 1MD’s U.S.-based customer service and we’ll refund every cent of every dollar you paid. That's how confident we are that you'll see the most extraordinary improvement simply by cutting down on a few dangerous foods and taking LiverMD.

Click the link below now to secure a bottle of LiverMD while supplies last. Due to overwhelming consumer demand, supplies are often sold out, so be sure to click now to check and see if LiverMD is currently in stock. If you can see the order form to the right of the image, you're in luck. Once you secure your order, you'll receive a confirmation email and the product delivered straight to you within a few days.

And remember, you have a full 90-day, money back guarantee to try it out and see the amazing results with absolutely no risk. If you click on the link now, you'll make your first step toward protecting your liver from toxins and fatty cells as well as better general well being.

And if after watching this entire presentation, you decide not to give LiverMD a try today, I really can’t encourage you enough to reconsider. Because with every day that passes, more toxins and fatty cells are building up in your liver, causing some very serious and potentially deadly damage that only becomes more difficult to repair as it gets worse. That means your fatigue will increase, the bloating won’t go down, and your metabolism will be at standstill.

So if you’re ready to break free from toxins polluting your liver and add years to your life, click the link below now to take advantage of our first-time customer, video-exclusive offer for LiverMD while supplies last.

This is your chance to change your health and your life today. Click the link below to order, or if you prefer, call the number here to be directly connected to one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps. All orders ship within two business days. When it arrives, simply take two capsules every day. That's it.

Stop toxins and fatty cells from doing permanent damage to your liver and robbing you of quality years of your life. With these amazing advances in medicine and natural remedies, there is no reason why you should suffer any longer! Get Liver MD now, and get on with living the long healthy life you deserve.

Still here? That may be because you have a few more questions. And that’s fine! Liver health can often be a complicated topic. I would be happy to answer your questions.

Why is the liver so important?

The liver is the cleanser and filter of the bloodstream and is of vital importance. It is the largest organ in the body and has an enormous amount of blood flowing through it every minute of our lives.

Among its main functions, the liver...

Produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and released when required for the digestion of fats.

Stores glucose in the form of glycogen, which is converted back to glucose again when needed for energy.

Stores vitamins A, D, K, B12 and Folate, and synthesizes blood clotting factors. Breaks down or transforms substances like ammonia, metabolic waste, drugs, alcohol and chemicals.

Where do tocotrienols come from?

Tocotrienols are scarce in nature. They are found most abundantly in crude palm oil extracted from palm fruits. Other sources are rice bran, wheat germ, oat, and barley.

Can I get enough tocotrienols from my normal diet?

Most of the oils and food contain tocopherols but virtually no tocotrienols. Tocotrienols only occur at very low levels in nature with the highest concentration found in palm oil.

Why is Siliphos® better than generic milk thistle extract?

Milk thistle contains complex flavonoids, which have been used for centuries to address liver health. Silymarin, the active ingredient of the plant, is a mixture of at least seven flavonolignans and one flavonoid.

Unfortunately, silymarin has a poor intestinal absorption, which limits their benefits.

Siliphos® is formulated using Phytosome®, a non-GMO phospholipid technology that overcomes and optimizes the poor bioavailability of naturally-occuring silybin in milk thistle.

What is n-acetyl cysteine?

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) comes from the amino acid L-cysteine, one of the building blocks of proteins.

What makes alpha-lipoic acid such a powerful antioxidant?

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is both water- and fat-soluble, which allows it to work in every cell or tissue in the body and has also been scientifically shown to boost the potency of other antioxidants within the body.

Why is Selenium Amino Acid Chelate necessary?

It is best to take Selenium Amino Acid Chelate (ACC) and vitamin E tocotrienols together, as they facilitate each other’s absorption.

Why do I need Zinc?

Zinc is crucial for the body to produce proteins and DNA and it fuels over a hundred enzymatic reactions. Additionally, zinc resides in all your bodily tissues, acting as an antioxidant, decreasing free radical damage and helping to keep you healthy.

Should I take LiverMD on an empty stomach or with a meal?

For optimal absorption, it is recommended to take LiverMD with a meal and a full glass of water.

Can I take LiverMD with other medications?

Please consult with your doctor before introducing any new supplement to your system.

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Бесплатная накрутка ВКонтакте: лайки, репосты, друзья, подписчики